Washington Post, December 12, 2018
Washington Post columnist Joe Davidson recently commented on many agencies’ drop in the Best Places to Work rankings this year. The IRS ranked as number 287 out of 415 agencies in 2018. In the article, NTEU National President Tony Reardon weighed in on the reasons why:
“The Partnership for Public Service rightly points to a lack of leadership as a culprit, but from NTEU’s perspective, it is much worse …” said Tony Reardon, president of the union. “Federal employees chose a career of public service because they believe in what good, sensible government can do for the American people, and when senior management questions their commitment, introduces barriers, or fails to provide clear direction, it makes it that much harder to recruit and retain good employees and to maintain a workplace with high morale.”
You can check out the full Best Places to Work rankings and data for the IRS and other agencies at www.bestplacestowork.org.